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Catenary Fixing & Testing

Fixings for display banners and seasonal decorations have numerous criteria that determine the fixing requirement.

As well as common aspects such as banner weight, wind loading and base substrate, it is also necessary to consider the effects of wire pre-tensioning, cyclical loading and funnel effects on potential wind speeds. Local authorities, retail organisations, museums and shopping centres have all relied on Broadland’s expertise when installing and maintaining catenary fixings.

Catenary Testing
Catenary Testing

Canary Wharf - Leading Edge Channel Testing
Canary Wharf
Leading Edge Channel Testing
London Halfen Channel Testing
Halfen Channel Testing
Lower Drayton Farm - Fermenter Testing
Lower Drayton Farm
Fermenter Testing
Advertising Light Boxes - Fall Restraint Inspection
Advertising Light Boxes
Fall Restraint Inspection

Hemel Hempstead - Wall Tie Channel Testing
Hemel Hempstead
Wall Tie Channel Testing
L B Barking Shear and Tensile of Cladding Fixings
L B Barking
Shear & Tensile of Cladding Fixings
Motherwell - Cladding Screw Testing
Cladding Screw Testing
HS2 South Ruislip Anchor Testing
HS2 South Ruislip
Anchor Testing

Recent Projects

Glyn School - Surrey

Testing of wall ties - Armfield Construction

Green Street London

Installation and testing of SLS (Safety Ladder System) - JC Decaux

Bedford School

Shear testing - SDC Construction


Shear testing - Square Foot Construction



  • Address: 43 St. Johns Road,
    Tylers Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP10 8HW
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Office: 01494 816399
    Mobile: 07887 880773